Computer Science

Fred Rothganger is a refugee from the world of Artificial Intelligence. He earned his PhD playing with robots and computer vision at the University of Illinois. After sliding into despair about the inherent ceiling of modern AI techniques, he turned to the brain for answers.
Unfortunately, Fred’s own brain is too small to understand the brain, so he hopes that machines will do it for him. His focus is on building computer tools to assemble comprehensive models. He leads the development of N2A (“Neurons to Algorithms”), a framework for expressing neural dynamics across a wide range of scales.
Fred has published in computational neuroscience, machine vision and robotics. When he gets fed up with lack of progress in the real world, he writes science fiction.
- F. Rothganger, C.D. James, and J.B. Aimone (2016). Computing with Dynamical Systems. IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (pp 1-2)
- F. Rothganger, C. Warrender, D. Trumbo and J. Aimone (2014). N2A: a computational tool for modeling from neurons to algorithms. Frontiers in Neural Circuits.
- F. Rothganger and T.J. Anastasio (2009). Using input minimization to train a cerebellar model to simulate regulation of smooth pursuit. Biological Cybernetics 101:339-359.
- B. Rohrer, M.L. Bernard, J.D. Morrow, F. Rothganger, P.G. Xavier (2009). Model-Free Learning and Control in a Mobile Robot. ICNC (5): 566-572.
- F. Rothganger, S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, J. Ponce (2007). Segmenting, Modeling, and Matching Video Clips Containing Multiple Moving Objects. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 29(3): 477-491.
- J. Erickson, S. Thite, F. Rothganger, J. Ponce (2007). Capturing a Convex Object With Three Discs. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23(6): 1133-1140.
- F. Rothganger, S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, J. Ponce (2006). 3D Object Modeling and Recognition from Photographs and Image Sequences. Toward Category-Level Object Recognition: 105-126.
- F. Rothganger, S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, J. Ponce (2006). 3D Object Modeling and Recognition Using Local Affine-Invariant Image Descriptors and Multi-View Spatial Constraints. International Journal of Computer Vision 66 (3): 231-259.
- F. Rothganger, S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, J. Ponce (2004). Segmenting, Modeling, and Matching Video Clips Containing Multiple Moving Objects. CVPR.
- J. Ponce, S. Lazebnik, F. Rothganger, and C. Schmid (2004). Toward True 3D Object Recognition. Invited paper, Congrès de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Toulouse, France.
- J. Erickson, S. Thite, F. Rothganger, and J. Ponce (2003). Capturing a Convex Object with Three Discs. ICRA.
- J. Ponce, F. Rothganger, S. Lazebnik, K. McHenry, C. Schmid, S. Mahamud, and M. Hebert. 3D Photography from Photographs and Video Clips. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Core Research for Evolutional Science, Technology (CREST) — Ikeuchi Project, Tokyo, Japan.
- A. Sudsang, F. Rothganger, and J. Ponce (2002). Motion Planning for Disc-Shaped Robots Pushing a Polygonal Object in the Plane. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 18(4):550-562, August.
Conference Presentations
- F. Rothganger (2014). N2A: A neuroinformatics framework. Neuro-inspired Computational Elements (NiCE), Albuquerque, NM, February 25.
- F. Rothganger, C. Warrender, A. Speed, B. Rohrer, A. Bier, D. Trumbo (2011). Connecting Cognitive and Neural Models. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures: 329-330.
- F. Rothganger, S. Lazebnik, C. Schmid, and J. Ponce (2003) 3D Object Modeling and Recognition Using Affine-Invariant Patches and Multi-View Spatial Constraints. CVPR II:272-277, June, Madison, WI.
- A. Sudsang, F. Rothganger, and J. Ponce (2001). An Implemented Planner for Manipulating a Polygonal Object in the Plane with Three Disc-Shaped Mobile Robots. IROS, Maui, Hawaii.